The Association for Preservation Technology has published an article by Kelly Streeter in its 2010 Vol. XLI, No. 4 edition of the APT Bulletin – The Journal of Preservation Technology .
“Information Technology for Building Documentation” is excerpted here:
Few building owners or managers appreciate how crucial the initial discovery phase of a facade-renovation project is to the overall success and bottom-line coast. Too often, discovery is abbreviated in the misguided interest of time and cost. The results are often inflated construction bids, as contractors hedge against uncertainty during the bidding period, and expensive change orders that arise when surprises are encountered during the construction phase of work. Architects operating between the building administrators and the contractors have always regarded a thorough discovery process as a sound investment. This article describes a best-practices methodology for discovery-phase documentation that incorporates field annotation of AutoCAD drawings, management of digital photographs hyperlinked to the drawings, and quantification of condition amounts and severities. Contact Vertical Access for a reprint of the full article.
Kelly Streeter is a structural engineer and partner at Vertical Access and TPAS. She speaks often about the role of technology in preservation at architecture and engineering consultancies, universities, and conferences. Contact Kelly to inquire about arranging a speaking engagement or to setup an AIA CES approved course delivered at your office or online via webinar.