To perform the inspection of the bridge’s high density polyethylene (HDPE) cable ducts, damper seals, formwork tubes and expansion sleeves, VA used a two-rope roller system designed by SPRAT Level 3 Supervisor Keith Luscinski. VA’s 2011 inspection was the second round of examinations of designated cables. The first inspection was performed in October 2007 and the next inspection is planned for October 2012. See a video clip of the 2011 inspection here.
Vertical Access Inspects the Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge
From March 14 to 18, 2011 Vertical Access technicians Keith Luscinski, Evan Kopelson, Dave Dayan and Donn Hewes were on site at the Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge in Charleston, SC to perform a hands-on inspection of designated areas of the bridge. The Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge, designed by Parsons Brinckerhoff and built by Skanska and Palmetto Bridge Constructors, was completed in 2005 to replace two steel truss bridges spanning the Cooper River. It is the longest cable stayed bridge in North America with a main span length of 1,546 feet. The two diamond-shaped concrete pylons stand 575 feet above the water, supporting a total of 128 stay cables.