Can you identify this building? – Series No. 7

Test your knowledge of historic and iconic buildings in the U.S. (and beyond!) in this series of “guess the building” blog posts.

Series No. 7:

Gargoyles and turrets abound on this monumental government building, constructed just before the turn of the twentieth century to house several federal agencies under one roof. In which city on the shores of Lake Michigan is this building located?



Answer: U.S. Courthouse and Federal Office Building, Milwaukee, WI. This Romanesque Revival building was designed by Willoughby J. Edbrooke, Supervising Architect of the U.S. Treasury. It originally housed a post office, courts and U.S. Customs office. Today, the only original remaining tenant is the United States District Court.


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Photos by Vertical Access.

Reaching a Wide Variety of Audiences about the Ups and Downs of Drones

The rise of the development of drones and their game-changing potential to advance applications for commercial use in the building industry is huge.  We’ve been working to stay abreast of opportunities and advances since first recognizing the value these new tools bring to our work.

Vertical Access holds a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 333 Exemption for the commercial use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to assist with the inspection of buildings, monuments, dams, bridges, and other types of structures in the United States. However, FAA regulations and restrictions are keeping drone operators pretty much grounded.  While there are opportunities opening up for the use of drones for inspections in the energy sector and for bridge and dam inspections for example – uses for building inspections in urban environments it is not an option – yet.

While regulations are slow to change, technology and software developments are not hindered at all and we’ve been continuing to invest in the time, hardware, and software to be ready and prepared for future project possibilities.


During the last six months, Vertical Access partners and staff have been presenting to a variety of audiences in California, Michigan and Pennsylvania about the potential for the use of drones for inspections. These presentations to industry organizations have provided updates on the state of the ever-evolving FAA regulations and technical applications.

Drones or UAVs: Life on a Frontier

Last Fall, Kent Diebolt co-presented with John Sier, Principal of the law firm Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti & Sherbrook about the use of drones in the building industry. The symposium held in Novi, MI, was organized by the Michigan Chapter of the Construction Owners Association of America (COAA). COAA members include public and private owners and developers from government, academia, and commercial venues who use construction services. The presentation was designed to untangle and de-mystify the many questions about drones from a supply, application and legal / regulatory point of view.

Kent provided an overview of the exponential rise in the potential use of drones in the building and construction industry, including some of the latest stories in the news about the problems they are causing, such as hampering the efforts of fire fighters. FAA regulations and restrictions were presented along with a robust scenario of the myriad opportunities for advancing inspection technologies that are being rapidly developed.

Drones – the Next Big Thing (Maybe)

Kelly Streeter presenting at the 2016 Winter Technical Meeting in San Diego, CA. Photo: @InfoSWR

At the 2016 Winter Technical Meeting of the Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute (SWRI) in San Diego, CA, Kelly Streeter delivered a 40-minute presentation about drones to an audience of commercial contractors, manufacturers, and building design professionals.

Kelly talked about the increasing popularity of the use of UAVs as a new tool that can be utilized, for example, to increase the sample size of building façade inspections. She explained how still photography, live feed video streams, and infrared thermography could be completed using UAVs, and how improved photogrammetry tools can be integrated to create three-dimensional models of existing conditions and infrared profiles.  A sobering look at the latest state of FAA regulations and they way they’re halting use of UAVs in urban environments was also explained.

Members of SWRI can login and see a video of Kelly’s presentation here.

Q: Was there a high level of interest in this subject at the conference?
Kelly: I always judge the interest level of any presentation I am a part of by the range and number of questions after I stop talking.  If I use that measure, I think there was a lot of interest in the topic of UAVs.  The level of knowledge about both the opportunities for UAV technology in architecture, engineering, and construction was largely limited to visual inspection so the photogrammetry, I think, was new to most.  The review of the regulatory environment was a surprise to most.

Q:  What were some of the questions and concerns of the audience? Anything surprise you about their responses?
Kelly: There were definitely people out in the audience who are using drones in their work without adhering to the current FAA regulations.  In that sense, I was the bearer of bad news.  Specifically, I had to underscore that the “drone registry” is for hobby users only and is not the proper path for users who are using the technology for commercial purposes.

Q: What application for drones in your business are you most excited about ?
Kelly: I think the creation of 3D photogrammetric models is incredibly compelling and could be very useful for developers working with historic structures.  I also constantly think of project examples where a drone could help us rig certain structures more safely.  Again, both of these applications are not viable until the FAA loosens up.

Q: The FAA recently announced it is developing drone regulations to allow some unmanned aerial vehicles to fly over people for commercial purposes. Could this be the beginning of broader approvals coming down the road?   Read article
Kelly: I certainly hope so.  The fact that our applications have both commercial need and public benefit should matter.  Yes, our services would make money, but our applications could also increase the safety of our employees and of the public.  It seems to me that April 1 may be a bit optimistic but we will see.

Drones: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown


Joe Haun presenting at the Documentation Technologies Workshop hosted by the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)

On March 11 and 12, Joe Haun and Kristen Olson presented “Drones: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown” to a workshop hosted by the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association for Preservation Technology International (APT). The two-day Documentation Technologies Workshop was presented by the APT Technical Committee for Documentation in partnership with the Delaware Valley Chapter, and is part of a series of traveling workshops on this topic being presented by the Documentation committee.

Other presenters demonstrated laser scanning, photogrammetry, nondestructive evaluation tools, hygrothermal analysis, and a host of digital applications to aid in the documentation of buildings and communication among team members. A common theme was the adaptation of technologies that were originally developed for other applications or industries.

Kristen presented an overview of potential drone applications for Vertical Access, including visual inspection of hard-to-reach areas, reconnaissance survey to identify areas for hands-on inspection, and as an aid to solve difficult rigging challenges. She also demonstrated drawings and 3D models created with photogrammetry using imagery captured by our drone.

Joe presented the wide array of unmanned aircraft and hardware available, as well as innovations that are likely to enable the large-scale commercial use of drones, such as sense-and-avoid technology, and low-altitude air traffic managment. He also discussed the roadblock to successful integration of drone technology with building investigations – the tangle of FAA regulations that severely restrict the commercial use of drones.

The workshop concluded with demonstrations, where attendees were able to see VA’s drone in action.



Additional Resources

Exterior Conditions Investigation at the Fire Island Lighthouse

The week of October 5, 2015 was a busy one at the Fire Island Lighthouse on the Great South Bay of Long Island, NY.  In addition to several 4th grade school groups climbing the 192 steps to reach the top of the lighthouse each day, a team of consultants working with the National Park Service and Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society were on site to perform an investigation of the exterior. The team led by John G. Waite Associates, Architects with Old Structures, Atkinson-Noland & Associates, and Vertical Access was tasked with assessing the exterior concrete coating of the lighthouse.

The current Fire Island Lighthouse was built in 1858 to replace an 1826 lighthouse on a nearby site. At 168 feet in height, it was twice as tall as the previous structure, and its Fresnel light was visible for at least 21 miles. The lighthouse is circular in plan, with load-bearing brick walls tapering from about 11 feet thick at the base to about 2 1/2 feet near the top. The lighthouse was decommissioned in 1974 and management of the structure was transferred from the U.S. Coast Guard to the National Park Service in 1979 when it became part of Fire Island National Seashore. A major restoration in 1985 removed and replaced the exterior concrete coating over the structural brick. The lighthouse is operated by the Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society.

As part of the field work performed over three days under perfect weather conditions, Vertical Access performed a hands-on investigation of the exterior of the lighthouse, documenting the conditions and sounding the concrete coating with acrylic mallets to help in the assessment of its condition. During the site work, team members from the National Park Service and JGWA participated in a live-feed video discussion with Vertical Access. While Vertical Access partner Kelly Streeter, P.E. performed a drop from the balcony level of the lighthouse to the ground, the rest of the participants could view on a nearby monitor the conditions as Kelly described them and ask questions to facilitate an understanding of the observations.

Fire Island Thermography01

Infrared thermographic images were used to identify moisture and underlying metal elements.

As part of the investigation, VA also took core samples for testing by others, performed borescope probes to better understand the condition of the concrete coating as well as the underlying brick masonry, and took infrared thermographic images to identify moisture and underlying metal elements. During the same week, Shan Wo of Atkinson-Noland was on site performing ground penetrating radar (GPR) and other instrumental investigations as part of the non-destructive evaluation of the lighthouse. VA assisted ANA with full-height GPR scans at the exterior of the lighthouse. The information collected on site by Vertical Access and others is now being analyzed by the project team as part of the assessment of the Fire Island Lighthouse.

Learn more

Event: APT-Delaware Valley Chapter 2016 Symposium – Documentation Technologies Workshop

The Association for Preservation Technology, Delaware Valley Chapter is holding its 2016 Symposium, Documentation Technologies Workshop: The Platform for Condition Analysis and the Basis for Preservation Project Planning on March 11-12, 2016  in Philadelphia.  This workshop was originally part of the 2014 APTI annual conference and has been repurposed to travel around the country incorporating local experts. Philadelphia is the second city to host this event.

On Friday March 11, Kristen Olson, architectural historian and Joe Haun, historic preservationist at Vertical Access will be co-presenting a session titled, Special Cases in Documentation: Drones and UAVs.  They’ll be covering rapidly-evolving developments in the use of drones for inspections and gathering conditions data from buildings and structures.  Also presenting is Annabelle Radcliffe-Trenner from Historic Building Architects.  On Saturday March 12, Joe and Kristen will lead a field demonstration of a drone in action.

Learn more and register for the event here.

IIT’s Historic Main Building to be Restored as Housing – Preservation Watch – Curbed Chicago

The Illinois Institute of Technology has announced plans to convert its Main Building at 3300 S. Federal Street from administrative offices to residential apartments. Designed by Patten & Fisher in 1891 and completed in 1883, the redbrick structure is one of the Chicago’s finest examples of Richardsonian Romanesque architecture. The building was originally home to the Armour Institute, a technological trade school financed by Philip D. Armour of Armour and Company meatpacking fame. Though landmarked by the City of Chicago in 2004, the Illinois Institute of Technology Main Building has faced serious facade issues over the past several years which led to its inclusion on Preservation Chicago’s list of most endangered buildings in 2015. It was about that time that the Illinois Institute of Technology began courting developers to save the crumbling landmarked structure by way of adaptive reuse.

Source: IIT’s Historic Main Building to be Restored as Housing – Preservation Watch – Curbed Chicago

New Directive From Archdiocese Is A Call To Arms Against Preservation

Last week the Archdiocese of Philadelphia issued an order to pastors and religious officials baring all involvement in placing churches on the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places. Patrick Hildebrandt, founder of the Philadelphia Church Project, says the rigid edict wages war on historic Catholic church survival and preservation.

Source: New Directive From Archdiocese Is A Call To Arms Against Preservation

15 Photos from 2015: Numbers 5 and 4

We’re counting down to the New Year by sharing 15 of our favorite photographs taken on site and during our travels throughout 2015.

#5 Cambridge, MA

5 Cambridge

A view of Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, Memorial Hall, Art Museum and other buildings

#4 Fire Island, NY

4 Fire Island

Looking west over Fire Island National Seashore and Robert Moses State Park

All posts in this series