Vertical Access has spun off a new venture called TPAS LLC. TPAS LLC was created to further the development of the Tablet PC Annotation System that VA has been using for over six years by working with development partners who are using TPAS in their own investigations of buildings and structures. Using feedback from current development partners, including Goody Clancy, Chambers, Murphy & Burge Restoration Architects, Harboe Architects and others, TPAS LLC will continue to make improvements to and upgrade the TPAS software for use by development partners under lease agreements. The next upgrade release is scheduled for October 1, 2010.

TPAS LLC also develops custom-designed software packages for architects, engineers, contractors, facility managers and others to facilitate the collection, management and organization of survey and field reporting data. TPAS products are customized to fit the needs of the project or client and can range from hyperlinking of survey data in AutoCAD drawings to integration of multiple database reports.

More information on TPAS products and the development partner program can be found on the TPAS LLC website.